E$ TALKS NYFW + SOME PICS FROM OUR DAYS OUT / by edilian heather


Lets talk fashion, we all know fashion week is a semiannual event that brings designers, projects, and visions to life on a runway for about two weeks. New York feels like a crowded runway as people make statements wearing anything you can imagine in the most fashionable way. A frequent trend we observed was street wear and luxury designs put together setting a refreshing tone. New York I believe is the first to change fashion as it’s the fastest to embrace new trends, and it’s probably why things can be more experimental.

NewYork is heading in the right direction as it's changing the crowds, the format and the places that have always been the same year after year. I think this is a time where communication is so easy with social media to spunk things up by randomly  selecting a date in the year and finding a place I would suggest like industry city in Brooklyn and put on one hell of a fashion show. In a perfect world, ideas and possibilities are endless. It's all about using your imagination as designers do when they create. Its time to take things to the next level and rewaken the audience by revamping a total new experience for fashion week.

What I love about NYFW is that rain or shine the mood is always optimistic. In Europe, most of the brands whether small or a mega brand, are owned and funded by one of the top three luxury conglomerates. This is what Kanye West ranted about when he wasn’t accepted into the European Fashion Industry.  It’s hard for a new designer to grow a brand in Europe where outside support barely exists. There is no other city when it comes to fashion that welcomes and supports new and upcoming designers like we do. New York embraces new ideas, new perspectives and I believe that’s what distinguishes us in fashion but it's something I can tell you New York was born with.

Take a look below to check out some moments from our days out in NYC during NYFW.

- e$